🌟 Father’s Day Celebration Recap – MIGRANT WORKER COMMUNITY PROGRAM🌟

On Sunday, June 16th, we celebrated Father’s Day with MWCP at St. Michael’s Parish in Leamington. The event was a wonderful gathering filled with food, live music, games, and prizes, all in honor of the incredible fathers among us.

The TeaMWork team had the pleasure of engaging with workers at our booth and on stage, distributing government materials that educate about rights in Canada, including the new “When to Call the Tipline” handout. We also invited attendees to share their thoughts through a feedback survey, helping us improve future events.

Thank you to everyone who joined us and made this day special. Together, we celebrated the heroes who inspire us every day. Happy Father’s Day!

Consulado de México en Leamington

South Essex Community Council – SECC

Click below to download a PDF of the success story or to view the Facebook post.

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