
Personal and household goods merchant wholesalers

North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 414

This subsector comprises establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling textiles, clothing, footwear, home entertainment equipment, household appliances, home furnishings, personal articles, pharmaceuticals, toiletries, cosmetics and sundries.

4141 · Textile, clothing and footwear merchant wholesalers
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This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling textiles, clothing, clothing accessories, footwear, piece goods, notions and other dry goods.

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4142 · Home entertainment equipment and household appliance merchant wholesalers
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This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling home entertainment equipment and household electrical and electronic appliances and parts.

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4143 · Home furnishings merchant wholesalers
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This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling home furnishings, such as furniture, china, glassware, crockery and pottery, floor coverings, linens and draperies.

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4144 · Personal goods merchant wholesalers
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This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling personal articles, such as jewellery, watches, books, periodicals, newspapers, photographic equipment and supplies, sound recordings, video recordings, toys, hobby goods, and amusement and sporting goods.

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4145 · Pharmaceuticals, toiletries, cosmetics and sundries merchant wholesalers
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This industry group comprises establishments primarily engaged in wholesaling proprietary and patent medicines, cosmetics, toiletries and druggists' sundries.

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