
Remediation and other waste management services

North American Industry Classification System code (NAICS): 5629

This industry group comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry group, primarily engaged in waste management activities, such as the remediation and clean-up of contaminated sites, the operation of material recovery facilities, and the cleaning of septic tanks.

56291 · Remediation services
1 Job

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in the remediation and clean-up of contaminated buildings, mine sites, soil or ground water. Establishments primarily engaged in integrated mine site reclamation activities, such as soil remediation, waste water treatment, hazardous material removal, contouring of land and revegetation, are also included.

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56292 · Material recovery facilities
0 Jobs

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in operating facilities in which recyclable materials are removed from waste, or mixed recyclable materials are sorted into distinct categories and prepared for shipment.

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56299 · All other waste management services
10 Jobs

This industry comprises establishments, not classified to any other industry, primarily engaged in waste management activities.

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